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this week i had so much -- finished analysis of my Alamo tour guide ethnography. i had 11300 words of data. that's quite a bit. in a nutshell, the Alamo is struggling between two paradigms: to celebrate the heroism of white people (the old model), or present accurate evidence while promoting inclusion (the new model). they truly used to avoid things like "history." and now, some people are trying to avoid racist (anti-Mexican) language while pronouncing the spanish words correctly. especially with Latino tourists. interesting situation. i'll put my powerpoint up here.
also got Ph.D. applications turned in this week. surviving the process should be worth course credit. to three programs so far. they're all interesting, y con clima razonable, but i can't go unless they offer some funding. i need to look at contingencies. i like teaching, i could be happy as a public school teacher-- were it not for the standardized tests. no hay que hacer.
es tan facil endurar dia tras dia sin destino, y tan dificil planear en donde quedarse. pero it's been over, ya no quiero la vida aguantable - demando la vida tremenda.


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