went to san diego and tijuana. for spring break, i guess, but i'm in grad school these days. that means we didn't do anything that would freak out my grandma.
stayed at Calaca Press headquarters. went to get tacos at Cuatro Milpas, ran into a walkout on the way. student-citizens from 2 high schools marched across the city to chicano park. protesting the recent ICE raids in san diego, in which some of their parents (who are not citizens) were deported. you'd be pissed too.
there was a minuteman woman (that irony is lost on her, i bet) videotaping these minors, intending to sell the tape to Lou Dobbs or Brit Hume. i told her it wasn't her park, and we are there as guests of the
chicano community that maintains it, and should be respectful. especially of the rights of minors - who did not sign release forms. do they have first amendment rights of expression, without expecting their under-17 faces and words to be edited and twisted and used against them (and for profit) on TV and the internet? a good question, but she didn't think so. she got pissed off and tried to get a cop to arrest me. the cops just wanted her to stay calm. this is her, smoking and filming minors.
anyway, cuatro milpas was great, they haven't changed much since the 1930s. and that night, we drove into Tijuana, to get a new cowboy hat (estilo Tejana) and Tacos Hermitas. but apparently they've changed the name, now it's Tacos Salceados, i think. still got the same taco chefs, so whatever. Marco was ours. amazing with steak tartare, lobster, nopales, flor de calabaza... heaven on a tortilla, lo juro.
it was a good trip, and my car made it with little protest. now i plunge headfirst into spring quarter, T.A.ing 24/7. with interruptions for a trip to fiesta and a visit from mi hermanita. la vida sigue, que sea un exito.