"France, a rich and geographically accessible country, has had people come to it from every corner of the globe. Many have immigrated and successfully found a home here, despite efforts to the contrary by the native population... In France, four and a half million foreigners have come from the Maghrab, from sub-Saharan Africa, from Yugoslavia, Spain, and Italy..." (Memmi, p. 10)
"Similarly, the Americans, a mixture of people from everywhere, are second to none for the beauty of their babies, the creativity of their intellectuals, the know-how of their technicians and their business executives. Thus, the lesson is obvious: If we would maintain our superiority, we msut defeat purity and ensure adulteration by others." (p. 15)
"I would instead reaffirm that there really does not exist a colonial relationship in whch racism is not only present but intimately linked to that relation." (p. 35) 
"they have always been convinced that the colonized should thank them for having taken the trouble to devote themselves to the well-being of such poor, inferior people!" (p. 38)