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Showing posts from October, 2006


fall quarter started. exciting and overwhelming. so many books to read. fanon, freire, hooks, mukudi, solorzano, kellner... if i'd read douglas kellner before my master's thesis, i would've used him as a source. he gets at the way media -- especially film -- fits into ideologies about nation and power. ni modo, tengo bigger fish to fry. went to san francisco (or as eddie izzard mockingly calls it, "the city... so what's oakland, just a collection of houses??"). first time. saw "what are you doing tonight?", a play starring a bunch of my talented friends. best performance so far was at Teatro Campesino. Amalia and Nicolas do this broken relationship scene based on militarizing the border, and i almost cried. then we went to get rowdy at the only bar in San Juan Bautista. now it's ucla. even for fun: last night Amalia and I went to a ucla salsa party. with legendary cuban drummer Francisco Aquabello. i didn't step on her toes, but i clipped her...