I appreciate the general point of Hanson's title: adjuncts (like me) deserve more credit. But this article seems less about thanksgiving than about his beef with tenured professors and student protesters. He accuses us (the student protesters) of not caring about injustice, and slaims we should not be protesting tuition hikes." Long-term, tuition increases will push poor and middle-class students out of UC; the only poor students at UC will be those few who get a generous scholarship. That shift is what we mean when we say it will be like a private university. In protest, we exercise our first amendment right to speech and assembly. Thank you, Mr. Hanson, for describing it as a "riot." I guess students should pay whatever the state and university ask, and if we can't afford it, we don't deserve an education. I am a TA at a UC, and an adjunct at SMC. Compared to low-wage workers at Wal-Mart or foodservice, I am paid very well - several times the minimum wage. ...
quien habla dos, vale por dos