Still contemplating this article. Though i am interested in the concept of online classes, this is the main reason i have not yet agreed to teach one. For now, i integrate online elements into a face-to-face course. - - I know cheating is endemic not just online but at all colleges, from community college to ivy league. I agree with one of the commenters: the only students likely to be immune to ghostwriting are those who are too poor to afford the high cost. Since application essays are a large portion of ghostwriters' business, a poor student deserving of a college education/scholarship is being unfairly excluded every time a rich student hires a professional writer. This is a strange way our admissions processes reward wealth and dishonesty. - Financially speaking, the only way the poor can cheat on a paper (thesis etc.) is to plagiarize it themselves - that is, copy and paste from wikipedia or a paper from the web. Colleges ...
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