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Showing posts from May, 2005

860 dollars

thats what i gotta pay to work on my thessithis summer. just to work on it. meet with a professor once a week. get guidane. la profe would do it for free, but if i'm not enrolled, i couldn't graduate in december... i need to take 2 semesters of thesis, and sequentially, not simultaneously. and i couldn't keep my G.A. position if i don't enroll at least 3 hours. that's so they know they're getting the cash back from me. working as a graduate student, its not so good. better than trying to not work, cuz this shiot is expensive. but i feel taken advantage of. i was recruited to work of an academic paper (Arts education) turned out i was ineligible,i end up on a relate project but doing a website. that's kool and all. but if i'm doing a website i can go private sector and earn twice as much per hour. i just hope it can balance. thing is, i'm going to be short of cash. not just a little, either. my tuition will go on a credit card i will hopefully pay off...

poem to be started fermatas of longing and passion and desires both fulfilled and desires soon to be when heat gets intense when we burn in glorious anthem of senses sound touch sight but an unknown too that scares us and sears us and drives our hearts and we repeat from the top