I have taught many Chinese students who are honest, hard-working, and creative (unlike profs in this story, I did not reduce the number of presentations to "help" them). I also taught a few who plagiarized in class, and probably plagiarized their UCLA admissions essays. Supply and demand at work: ... Zinch China was contacted by the provost of a large American university who wanted to recruit 250 Chinese students, stat. When asked why, the provost replied that his institution faced a yawning budget deficit. To fill it, he told Mr. Melcher, the university needed additional students who could pay their own way... The company concluded that 90 percent of Chinese applicants submit false recommendations, 70 percent have other people write their personal essays, 50 percent have forged high-school transcripts... "If a student isn't placed, we've got screaming, yelling parents in the lobby," says Kathryn Ohehir, who works in [Aoji Education Group], in ...
quien habla dos, vale por dos