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DVD martini juju

Amalia and i volunteered at the nalip office early, then tried to get costumes for the historical ball - but all we ended up getting was a $40 parking ticket (at least she thinks i look good in a three-corner hat). back home, i designed a new cover for Amalia's DVDs. she needs a bunch for the conference next week. this is it, with a paul gregory photo. she's happy with it. she looks hot.

mira: lightscribe discs, which burn pictures directly onto the disc. badass. they're expensive, $1.50 each. but they come out more professional and stuff. so we'll probably use these instead of printed labels. the price drops under $1 each if i buy a bunch.

eventually to Edgar's house - turns out he lives just 2 blocks away. martinis with a bunch of people. then we all went to a private $10 party (w/Garth Trinidad, LA's "Chocolate City" dj). called juju. also in our neighborhood. paintings and posters from the Black Arts Movement. if you passed by on la brea, you'd have no idea that hundreds of people were gettin down and drinking crazy clove/cayenne/mint/pineapple concoctions. i danced some, though i know it's not my forte. i'm not trying to win any contest. mostly, amalia and i just chilled listening to sloppy freestyle. the vibe at Juju was so open, so positive.
i was embarrassed by my filthy car, cuz i gave Edgar and Maria Elena a ride. they didn't complain (out loud at least). i owe them one.


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